Use the help of Victor Paléologue (résumé) to take your smart device to the next level!
Virtual agents, embodied in robots are often large software systems with numerous modules.
I had the opportunity to work on these issues in the past, and I love to get into these challenges, while taking care of the legacy.
Interesting behaviors and dialogues can be achieved with classical programming, with models like Behavior Trees, State Machines…
But there is a lot to gain by bringing in AI techniques:
I favor explainable solutions that let you in control, and the reduction of data collection.
From MCUs to Android phones, there is a large range of devices I can work with. This is thanks to languages such as C++ or Rust.
I have experience in integrating native libraries with Python or Java, and I am autonomous in developing the apps embedding them.
Did you know native libraries can be integrated in web apps too, thanks to WebAssembly?
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